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Gourmand Book Corner ~ "A Very Serious Cookbook: Contra Wildair"

Pulling from their personal histories and inception of their restaurants Contra and Wildair, Jeremiah Stone and Fabian von Hauske relay, in heavy word art and full page spreads this story.

To draw a certain provocativeness from this story, Alison Roman threads a narrative in each chapter - Always, Sometimes, Never, Pantry. I think all foodies draw on this pattern - the food, the ambiance, and the business when fantasizing about their own restaurant. To hear this from the duo that pulled off these vibrant NYC spots gives us an appreciation for the wildness, the inventiveness, and the changes to take these risks.

Always - maintstays of a resaurant

Sometimes - seasonal, guest collabs, international travel inspiration

Never - one and done, never made it to table

Pantry - keep it handy

Highlights include the Littleneck Clam, Almond Milk, XO. Spicy Tuna, Tomato Sourdough. Potato, Cheddar, Walnut. Elderflower, Pistachio. Now, this is heavily processed and 'big iron' processing dishes -but they are great inspiration on flavor profiles.

This is a great pick-up read from the library - the photos, their wild ideas, will help you on your next meal inspiration.

"A Very Serious Cookbook: Contra Wildair" Phaidon October 25 2018 By Jeremiah Stone, Fabian Hauske, Alison Roman

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